Covid made me do it?

Hello there.

If there is someone out there, who used to be my reader, rest assured I am not dead.
I am still here, alive and kicking, even though one might think after that last post in 2018 that I offed myself or whatever.

Sadly, what is true, I haven’t been writing since 2018 until today.
I have to confess, I totally burned out and I was not able to continue no more.

When I was reading some of my old posts from this blog, to just nostalgically let the memories flow through me, I have noticed that I used to write a freaking lot- I stumbled upon a post where there was a note that it was my 200th post and I was like what the hell?
What to say, I must have been really passionate, to write almost every day.

But why I came here today? I actually do not have a clear idea why I decided to come back.
Out of pure boredom? Nah, I would not say so.
You know, we are living in a covid lockdown for almost a year now. I have been struggling with my hobbies as such since 2018, do not judge me, I have not found anything yet. I suppose writing is still my safety blanket and since I was not able to find anything new, I came back to something I used to do and love.

Should I ask if Covid times made me do it? Probably yes.
Will I continue writing after this one post? I fucking do not know.
Do I want to?



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